RPS 211 is due to end this month

After which any excavated waste from utilities installation and repair works, no matter how small the volume, must be classified or it will be considered hazardous. Landfill tax for non-hazardous waste is currently £3 a tonne, but for hazardous waste it is £94.15. It’s therefore essential to classify your waste correctly, and quickly.

It’s vital to keep highways open, and expensive or impossible to get results from a lab as fast as you need them. PAK spray is unreliable at the best of times, particularly in the cold and wet. The QED’s advanced technology can give results by the side of the road, from the back of a van or in a depot, and within 5 minutes you know if your arisings are hazardous or not. It gives you the BaP component necessary for compliance with WM3. You also get a Bitumen Degradation Factor which will tell you if the bitumen is suitable for recycling, or too degraded.

The QED, used on the London Olympics site, Crossrail, HS2, the London Super Sewer and throughout the UK and worldwide. Virtually anyone can use the QED, it’s so simple. And it’s allowed by the Environment Agency.

should have used a QED

The QED gives you results in seconds for petroleum hydrocarbons including coal tar and bitumen with the accuracy of the best laboratory analysis at a fraction of the cost of the cheapest- under £5 a sample, and in real time. No other analyser can do this. It is also used in waste management and contaminated land to generate fast accurate results.

Easy payment terms are available.Email info@qros.co.uk or ring 0800 046 9695 to see how QED technology can put your company ahead by making significant savings in time and money.

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